More Joshua Pictures!


Baloon Divider

Animated Tweedy Bird 


More pictures of my baby!

(Click on a pic to see the expanded version, then "close the window" to return.)

Joshua & Daddy Stars Background
Joshua Balloons Oct 98
Joshua on his tricycle
Joshua & Daddy sword fighting
Joshua & Daddy on the front porch swing
Joshua  & Daddy's new  Mustang GT
Decorating our Christmas Tree, 1997
Our finished tree, Dec 1997
Drummer Joshua
Worlds Greatest Explorer,
Joshua's first swimming pool
Framed picture of Joshua
Sleeping Joshua
Sleeping Joshua closeup
Joshua & his Puppy
Joshua's Puppy
Joshua on Daddy's lap
Dancing Joshua
Flying Joshua
Baby Joshua & his brother Richard Jr.
Baby Joshua, 2 days old
Baby Joshua
Daddy feeding baby Joshua
Baby Joshua, 3 months old
Halloween 98

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